class: center middle main-title section-title-2 # Fundraising .class-info[ **February 22, 2022** .light[PMAP 3210: Introduction to Nonprofits<br> Andrew Young School of Policy Studies ] ] .corner-ribbon[**Do your check-in!**] --- name: outline class: title title-inv-5 # Plan for today -- .box-8.medium.sp-after[Why do people give money away?] -- .box-1.medium.sp-after[Where does nonprofit money come from?] -- .box-4.medium[How should nonprofits<br>get money from people?] --- layout: false name: altruism class: center middle section-title section-title-8 animated fadeIn # Why do people<br>give money away? --- layout: true class: title title-8 --- # Public goods -- .box-inv-8.medium[Non-excludable] .box-8.small.sp-after[Not possible to stop others<br>from using the good or service] -- .box-inv-8.medium[Non-rivalrous] .box-8.small[One person using the good or service<br>doesn't prevent anyone else from using it] --- # How are public goods paid for? -- .box-inv-8.less-medium[Taxes] .box-8.small.sp-after[Forced payments] -- .box-inv-8.less-medium[Pooling] .box-8.small.sp-after[Voluntary taxation] -- .box-inv-8.less-medium[Altruism] .box-8.small[Ask for donations] ??? Pooling examples: a group of people build a clubhouse for a neighborhood; a group of people pay for a fireworks display --- # Altruism -- .box-inv-8.medium[Evolutionary concept] .box-8.sp-after[One sacrifices for another to promote the species] -- .box-inv-8.medium[Hard to understand though!] .box-8[Not all people value promotion of the species] -- .box-8[Humans are self-interested] --- # Adam Smith -- .pull-left[ <figure> <img src="img/13/adam-smith-1.png" alt="Adam Smith on altruism" title="Adam Smith on altruism" width="100%"> </figure> ] -- .pull-right[ <figure> <img src="img/13/adam-smith-2.png" alt="Adam Smith on altruism" title="Adam Smith on altruism" width="100%"> </figure> ] --- # Types of altruism -- .box-inv-8[Pure altruism] .box-8.small.sp-after[Giving without any personal benefit] -- .box-inv-8[Impure altruism] .box-8.small.sp-after[Giving with a "warm glow" benefit] -- .box-inv-8[Enlightened self-interest] .box-8.small[Giving with the expectation of future gain] ??? - Pure altruism - giving without any personal benefit (not even to get warm fuzzies) - when someone dives in front of a car to save someone - it's an instinctual reaction - no time to think about it - once you think, you start thinking about reasons - Impure altruism - giving with a warm glow benefit - Enlightened self-interest - giving with the expectation for future gain - making contributions to a church to secure spiritual blessings, for instance --- # Altruism and free-riding -- .box-inv-8[Society loves public goods] .box-inv-8[Paying for them is hard!] -- .box-inv-8.sp-after.small[Public goods always create a potential for people to become free riders] -- .box-8[Even altruistic people<br>think about their self-interest!] -- .box-8.small[There are few pure altruists; most are impure altruists] --- layout: false .box-8[Which fundraising campaign would you donate to?] .pull-left[ <img src="13-slides_files/figure-html/fundraising-1-1.png" width="468" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ <img src="13-slides_files/figure-html/fundraising-2-1.png" width="468" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- layout: true class: title title-8 --- # Make contributions feel important -- .pull-left[ .box-inv-8[Bandwagon effect] .box-8.smaller[People start donating because<br>they feel they can be useful] .box-8.smaller[Get a seed donation for a campaign<br>to signal that it's legitimate] ] -- .pull-right.sp-after[ .box-inv-8[Matching] .box-8.smaller[We're strongly influenced<br>by what we think others do] .box-8.smaller[Telling people their donation will be<br>matched signals that other people<br>approve of the cause] ] -- .box-inv-8[Make people feel needed to prevent free-riding] ??? Like Nancy and charity:water - nobody donated until Marie made the first big move - people hold their position until they think they can improve it - people jump on the bandwagon because they think they can be useful Fundraising - before you start a campaign, get a seed donation first to signal that it's a real thing, upset the Nash equilibrium, get more people on board. We're strongly influenced by matches - magnitude doesn't matter, just the presence of the match (NPR telling people to hurry so they don't lose a match - people step in) --- layout: false name: nonprofit-revenue class: center middle section-title section-title-1 animated fadeIn # Where does nonprofit money come from? --- layout: true class: section-title-inv-1 ---[ Which of these is the largest<br>source of revenue for nonprofits? - Private contributions and donations - Earned income - Government grants ] ---[ Which of these is the largest<br>source of revenue for nonprofits? - Private contributions and donations - .color-6[**Earned income**] - Government grants ] -- .box-1.small[72% from earned income!] ??? Fees from government sources (primarily Medicare and Medicaid) alone account for 24.5% of nonprofit revenue. Private giving only accounts for 13% of nonprofit revenue. --- layout: true class: title title-1 --- # Revenue sources -- .pull-left[ .box-1[Sources] .box-inv-1[Private fundraising] .box-inv-1[Government sources] .box-inv-1[Commercial activities] ] -- .pull-right[ .box-6[Concerns] .box-inv-6[Volatility] .box-inv-6[Goal displacement] .box-inv-6[Process & structure effects] ] --- # Private fundraising .box-inv-1[Asking rich people and foundations for money] -- .pull-left-3[ .box-6.small[Volatility] .box-inv-6.small[Highly volatile;<br>depends on<br>individuals] ] -- .pull-middle-3[ .box-6.small[Goal displacement] .box-inv-6.small[Strong;<br>large donors can<br>drive the goal] ] -- .pull-right-3[ .box-6.small[Structure effects] .box-inv-6.small[Push for<br>formalization:<br>donors might<br>require that the<br>nonprofit evolves] ] --- # Government sources .box-inv-1[Grants from government agencies] -- .pull-left-3[ .box-6.small[Volatility] .box-inv-6.small[More stable,<br>but can switch<br>because of politics] ] -- .pull-middle-3[ .box-6.small[Goal displacement] .box-inv-6.small[Only really happens<br>at the beginning] ] -- .pull-right-3[ .box-6.small[Structure effects] .box-inv-6.small[Tons of bureaucracy<br>involved] ] --- # Commercial activities .box-inv-1[Money brought in from goods and services] -- .pull-left-3[ .box-6.small[Volatility] .box-inv-6.small[Generally less<br>volatile; markets<br>more stable] ] -- .pull-middle-3[ .box-6.small[Goal displacement] .box-inv-6.small[Not much] ] -- .pull-right-3[ .box-6.small[Structure effects] .box-inv-6.small[Requires more<br>business-like<br>methods] ] --- layout: false class: middle .center[ <table> <tr> <th></th> <th class="color-6">Volatility</th> <th class="color-6">Goal displacement</th> <th class="color-6">Structure effects</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="color-1"><b>Private fundraising</b></td> <td>High</td> <td>Strong</td> <td>Formalization</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="color-1"><b>Government sources</b></td> <td>Low then high</td> <td>Initial</td> <td>Bureaucratization</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="color-1"><b>Commercial activities</b></td> <td>Moderate to low</td> <td>Weak</td> <td>Business-ization</td> </tr> </table> ] --- class: title title-1 # Competition and nonprofit revenue -- .box-inv-1.less-medium.sp-after[How do you convince someone to give to<br>your nonprofit over another nonprofit?] -- .box-inv-1.less-medium[Should you convince someone to give to<br>your nonprofit over another nonprofit?] --- layout: false name: best-practices class: center middle section-title section-title-4 animated fadeIn # How should nonprofits<br>get money from people? --- class: middle .box-4.huge[Ask!] --- layout: true class: title title-4 --- # Fundraising considerations -- .box-inv-4.medium[How much should you ask for?] -- .box-inv-4.medium[Who should you ask?] --- # How much should you ask for? -- .box-inv-4[Depends on your needs, plans, and budget] -- .pull-left-3[ .box-4.SMALL[Low-end budget] .box-inv-4.small[Minimum amount to get nonprofit started] ] -- .pull-middle-3[ .box-4.SMALL[Middle-end budget] .box-inv-4.small[Funds needed for a year of operation] ] -- .pull-right-3[ .box-4.SMALL[High-end budget] .box-inv-4.small[Amount needed to pay for anything the nonprofit wants to do] ] --- # Who should you ask? -- .box-inv-4[.medium[Private fundraising]<br>.small[Individuals / foundations / corporations]] -- .box-inv-4.medium[Government sources] -- .box-inv-4.medium[Commercial activities] --- # Individual giving .box-inv-4[Direct mail / phone solicitation] -- .pull-left[ .box-6.small[Pros] .box-inv-6.small[Ready donor base] .box-inv-6.small[Easily obtainable mailing lists] .box-inv-6.small[Nonprofit mission makes<br>it easy to appeal to donors] ] -- .pull-right[ .box-1.small[Cons] .box-inv-1.small[Donor apathy] .box-inv-1.small[Easily ignored] .box-inv-1.small[NOBODY ANSWERS<br>THEIR PHONE] ] --- # Individual giving .box-inv-4.SMALL[Online giving] -- .pull-left[ .box-6.small[Pros] .box-inv-6.smaller[Cheap, ready-made infrastructure<br>.smaller[GoFundMe, Donorbox, etc.]] .box-inv-6.smaller[Faster response] .box-inv-6.smaller[Tap into online networks] .box-inv-6.smaller[Target specific<br>markets and demographics] ] -- .pull-right[ .box-1.small[Cons] .box-inv-1.small[List maintenance] .box-inv-1.small[Spam filters] .box-inv-1.small[Needs exciting cause<br>to go viral] ] --- # 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge .center[ <figure> <img src="img/13/ice-bucket-challenge.jpg" alt="2014 Ice Bucket Challenge" title="2014 Ice Bucket Challenge" width="70%"> </figure> ] ??? <> --- # 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge .center[ <figure> <img src="img/13/kim-kardashian-ice-bucket.jpg" alt="2014 Ice Bucket Challenge" title="2014 Ice Bucket Challenge" width="80%"> </figure> ] ??? <> --- # Individual giving .box-inv-4[Events and galas] -- .pull-left[ .box-6.small[Pros] .box-inv-6.small[Tradition] .box-inv-6.small[Visibility and involvement] .box-inv-6.small[Can provide<br>first contact with donor] ] -- .pull-right[ .box-1.small[Cons] .box-inv-1.small[Formal, stodgy, out of fashion] .box-inv-1.small[Not usually cost effective] .box-inv-1.small[Event has no connection<br>with the cause] ] --- layout: false[ <figure> <img src="img/13/melissa-sevy.jpg" alt="Melissa Sevy" title="Melissa Sevy" width="70%"> <figcaption>Melissa Sevy</figcaption> </figure> ][ <audio controls> <source src="img/13/MelissaSevyFundraiser-557.mp3"> </audio> <figure> <img src="img/13/musana.jpg" alt="Musana International" title="Musana International" width="50%"> </figure> ] ??? - <> - <> - <> --- layout: true class: title title-4 --- # Individual giving .box-inv-4[Nonprofit board] -- .pull-left[ .box-6.small[Pros] .box-inv-6.small[Have a stake in the organization] .box-inv-6.small[Expect to be asked for donations] .box-inv-6.small[Have wealthy connections] ] -- .pull-right[ .box-1.small[Cons] .box-inv-1.small[Nonprofit can become<br>dependent on board donations<br>and overuse them] ] --- # Donor relations .box-inv-4[If people give you money,<br>you're legally required to acknowledge it] -- .box-4.small[Nonprofits must acknowledge contributions of $250+] -- .box-4.small[Donor cannot take a charitable tax deduction without it] -- .box-4.small.sp-after[Many nonprofits send this notice with a thank you note] -- .box-inv-4.smaller[Many other requirements if you send donors things in exchange for their donation<br>(see IRS Substantiation Rules on pp. 158–159)] --- # Planned giving .box-inv-4[Outright gifts, bequests, expectancies, deferred gifts] -- .pull-left[ .box-6.small[Pros] .box-inv-6.small[Large gifts] .box-inv-6.small[Increasingly common with<br>a wealthier, older population] ] -- .pull-right[ .box-1.small[Cons] .box-inv-1.small[Legally complicated;<br>policies change often] .box-inv-1.small[You have to wait for people to die] ] --- # Umbrella fundraising groups .box-inv-4[United Way, Catholic Charities, etc.] -- .pull-left[ .box-6.small[Pros] .box-inv-6.small[Stable funding] .box-inv-6.small[Visibility] .box-inv-6.small[Community endorsement] ] -- .pull-right[ .box-1.small[Cons] .box-inv-1.small[Must meet accountability,<br>program, and fundraising<br>requirements] ] --- # Foundation giving -- .pull-left[ .box-6.small[Pros] .box-inv-6.small[Sizable grants] .box-inv-6.small[Increased credibility] .box-inv-6.small[Catalyst for other grants] .box-inv-6.small[Legally required to<br>give away 5% annually] ] -- .pull-right[ .box-1.small[Cons] .box-inv-1.small[Applications take a long time] .box-inv-1.small[Money moves slowly] .box-inv-1.small[Misalignment of priorities] ] --- # Government grants and contracts -- .pull-left[ .box-6.small[Pros] .box-inv-6.small[Sizable amounts] .box-inv-6.small[Credibility] ] -- .pull-right[ .box-1.small[Cons] .box-inv-1.small[Paperwork and bureaucracy] .box-inv-1.small[Slow] ] --- # Corporate giving .box-inv-4[Everyone loves corporate social responsibility] -- .pull-left[ .box-6.small[Pros] .box-inv-6.small[Easy to find related businesses] .box-inv-6.small[Easy to involve<br>business leaders on board] .box-inv-6.small[Can get free in-kind<br>products and services] ] -- .pull-right[ .box-1.small[Cons] .box-inv-1.small[Business won't always provide<br>what is really needed] .box-inv-1.small[Business often do it<br>to market themselves<br>.small[(Reputation laundering)]] ] --- # Best practices -- .box-inv-4[Seek out grants and engage in<br>fundraising strategies that support your mission] -- .box-inv-4[Get buy-in from the board and staff] -- .box-inv-4[Don't beg] -- .box-inv-4[Don't apply for grants just for the money] -- .box-inv-4[Don't let a grant change the focus of your mission]